Want to see what's possible when sex positive, spiritual folks get together?
you are digging the holes you fall in? Disconnected and numb to feeling anything or anyone?
We are all here as the result of sex. If you are drowning in shame and scared to talk about it, you have disconnected from your sexuality and thus from what brings you alive. When we hit those rock bottom moments in life, it is a result of distancing ourselves from parts of ourselves.
In my own life, I found a way to break this cycle of separation from self, to break free from self-sabotaging habits and scarcity that reenforced my trauma, addictions overwhelmed reactions, anxiety, and depression.
I cracked the code and figured out how to put the pieces together in a sustainable way that makes life juicy and supportive.
We are in a relationship to everything! The foundation of work, romance, friends, etc. is your relationship with yourself. Are you ready to build a life you love?
MysticMag Interview